Embankment as Public Space

Best Student’s Project of Public Space 

About the Project
As part of project development, we identified sections of the embankment which hold potential to transform into popular public spaces. The embankment in front of Hotel St. Petersburg can boast a unique view and is linked with the hotel by means of an underground foot tunnel.

The riverside is also connected to Lenin Square. This area is intended for leisure and entertainment, as well as commercial use.

The former detention center Kresty (“Crosses”) will become home to exhibits of a themed historical museum.

A walkway along the entire length of the embankment will unite all of its spaces. The upper embankment will be connected with the street, and the recreational lower one – with the river.

The project will create a new multifunctional, comfortable environment for business, tourism, and active city life.

St. Petersburg, Pirogov and Arsenal Enbankments

Maria Tutarinova, MSc, St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering