Pisa Sea Gate

Best Project of Public Space by Student

About the project
A collaboration of St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering and Politecnico di Milano, this project suggests renovating of the premises at the Arno River not far from San Paolo Church. Intended to make the place more attractive for tourists, as well as to put the city’s historical memorials into the spotlight, the project comprises three parallel stages, namely design of the embankment, design of the square in front of the Cathedral, and design of a pedestrian bridge leading from Torre Guelfa Tower to the old building across the river.

The key inspiration was the history of Pisa and its architectural landmarks.

The Arno Embankment, Pisa, Italy

Project design year

Extra visual materials (photos, videos etc.)

Alisa Mikhailova, 5th year student, St.Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

Authors of the project
Alisa Mikhailova, Ekaterina Plenkina

Project status
Design concept