Public building in Grodno

Best Implemented Façade or Interior Project Using Ceramics

About the project (provided by the applicant):
The public building is constructed in the historic district of Grodno in compliance with the existing altitude restrictions and the surrounding development. Inspired with the old brick buildings found in the center of the city, this one offers a fresh take on it. The highlight of the proposal is the tree that grew in the construction site — they didn’t cut it down but used a design feature. The entrance group is arranged under the tree crown. Windows and facade piers have different sizes and add rhythm to appearance of the building. The facades are finished with hand-shaped bricks produced locally.

Grodno, Belarus

Project implementation year:

Extra visual materials (photos, videos etc.):

Intelstock Engineering

Authors of the project:
Vorobey, V. Zhuck, M. Surmach

Project status:

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Website users’ voting determines the winner in the People’s Choice special category and does not affect the choice of the Jury and the results of the Awards in the major categories.