Riberas Del Consotá Social Interest Housing Plan for the relocation of homes at risk 

Best Project of Public Space by Student

About the project (provided by the applicant)
Relocation of Homes in Risk Areas Due to Non-Mitigable Flooding in the Study Sector of the Rocío Bajo Neighborhood in the municipality of Pereira.
Each of the interventions is made up of the integration of Housing, public space and collective public facilities in order to meet the identified needs of the sector and people, managing to meet these problems in a long term and generate versatility for different types of uses, activities and users.
The renovation and rehabilitation of deteriorated urban areas not only bring aesthetic improvements, but also revitalize the local economy and increase the quality of life. These processes can, however, bring with them challenges such as gentrification, which displaces original residents due to rising costs of living. Rehabilitation must be careful and consider both heritage preservation and social inclusion.

Rocío Bajo Pereira Risaralda, Colombia

Project design year

Project website

Juan José Gómez Rendón, 6th semester architecture student, Catholic University of Pereira, Colombia

Author of the project
Juan José Gómez Rendón 

Status of the project
Conceptual design

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