Saint John Chrysostom church complex in Peterhof


Best Project of Public Building or Facility

About the project (provided by the applicant)

Saint John Chrysostom church complex in the town of Peterhof combines several architectural traditions. The main church, the small church, and the baptismal rotunda with a monumental bell tower are designed in a classical, somewhat reinterpreted Byzantine style. These buildings feature traditional brickwork facades. The second architectural influence is Soviet constructivism. Its use is determined by the built environment, as the complex will be surrounded by a large constructivist university campus. The project also incorporates modern architectural solutions for facade finishing, indoor space design, and layouts.


Peterhof, St. Petersburg, Russia


Project design year


Project website

Extra visual materials (photos, videos etc.)


Prokhram LLC

Author of the project

Dmitry Ostroumov

Project status

Design concept

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