Takri Natives' Kitchen building

Best Implemented Project of Public Building or Facility

About the project (provided by the applicant)
Situated along the main highway connecting Dharamshala to Palampur, this charming eatery is a true reflection of the region's traditional values, centered around the staple meal known as «Dham.» The design Inspired by the local vernacular architecture, Takri seamlessly blends into its surroundings with a design that pays homage to the rich heritage of the area.
The main building materials, slate, and wood, were carefully chosen for their local availability and cultural significance. As you step inside, you'll be greeted by a warm and inviting ambiance, created by a carefully curated material palette that includes slate, mud finishes, and wood. The earthy tones and natural textures transport you to a past era, where traditions and hospitality were celebrated.
To bring the outdoors even closer, the roof features skylights that seamlessly connect the interior spaces with the surreal views outside, creating a unique dining experience that seamlessly combines the indoors and outdoors.

Palampur, Himachal Pradesh, India

Project implementation year

Project website

Extra visual materials
Layout Plan & Photos

The Binary Studio
The Binary Studio is an architecture and interior designing firm that has gained recognition for its high-quality services in both domestic and commercial sectors. The company was founded in 2019 by Prashant and Javed, with a commitment to providing sustainable low-energy design solutions that are both imaginative and cost-effective. Their projects have been recognized by many prestigious platforms such as Glitz Architecture and Interior Design Magazine.

Authors of the project
The Binary Studio

Other participants
Photographer: Umang Gupta

Status of the project

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