Villa Ya

Best Implemented Project of Private Residence

About the project (provided by the applicant)
The villa is designed in Alborz province in Iran. This villa is specifically designed like a Mobius strip so that you start moving from any point as if it is the beginning of the path and the spaces do not have any superiority or priority over each other. This villa, by creating diverse, open and closed spaces and creating communication joints, tries to create a sense of diverse experiences in a relatively small area for the audience.

Alborz province, Iran

Project implementation year

Extra visual materials

Sohrab Pak / Ghazal Soleymani
We are a two-person team of architects who seek to find multiple and different spaces in even a small project. Sohrab Pak is an architecture graduate from the Woodberry University in the United States, and Ghazal Soleimani is a PhD student in architecture at Qazvin University in Iran. Ghazal is 32 years old and Sohrab is 37 years old. Our architectural project has also won an international design award.

Authors of the project
Sohrab Pak / Ghazal Soleymani

Ghazal Soleymani / Sohrab Pak

Status of the project

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Voting rules

Website users’ voting determines the winner in the People’s Choice special category and does not affect the choice of the Jury and the results of the Awards in the major categories.

Voting open till November 3, 2025.