Restoration and Adaptation of the State Wine Warehouse 

Best​ Restoration ​or ​Reconstruction ​Project​ by Student

About the project (provided by the applicant)
The State Wine Warehouse in Mariupol—a symbol of prosperity that has fallen into ruin. The restoration plan is designed to revive the building’s architectural grandeur while adapting it for new functions.  

The project encompasses several key areas preserving cultural heritage by restoring unique historical features, developing tourism through the creation of a hotel complex, fostering the social and economic revitalization of the district, attracting investment, and serving educational purposes as a model of successful restoration. The use of modern technologies makes this project an example of the harmonious integration of tradition and innovation. It is relevant not only for Mariupol but also for other cities facing the challenge of restoring their historical environment.  

Russia, Mariupol

Project design year

Extra visual materials

Artyom Sidorov  

5th-year student at Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering (KSUAE), Faculty of Architecture. During his studies, he actively participated in scientific conferences, competitions, and workshops, has published works in scientific collections, and has won several architectural competitions of various levels.  

Academic advisor: Rinat Mukhitov, Associate Professor at the Department of Architectural Design, KGASU.  

Authors of the project
Artyom Sidorov, Rinat Mukhitov

Artyom Sidorov

Status of the project
Architectural concept

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Website users’ voting determines the winner in the People’s Choice special category and does not affect the choice of the Jury and the results of the Awards in the major categories.

Voting open till November 3, 2025.