Zapolye Manor made a children's agronomic camp — restoration project


Best Project of Public Space by Student

About the project (provided by the applicant)

The project covers restoration of the listed surviving old buildings — the manor, the residence with a tower, the office and warehouse buildings, the manager’s residence, and the stable. The facades will be repaired in compliance with the existing descriptions, and also terraces, stairs, and retention walls will be restored. The foundation of the ruined distillery there will be modern greenhouses. In fact, the site is likely to regain the functions it used to have.

However, the new function proposed by the author is the children’s agronomic camp, an agricultural centre, and a farm — which isn’t that new, in fact. This is how the ex owners of the manor, the Mirkovichi and the Bilderlings, wished it was used.



Volodarskoye Village, Luga District, Leningrad Region, Russia

Project design year


Extra visual materials (photos, videos etc.)

Applicant and author of the project

Yulia Kolmykova

Project status

Design concept

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