Residential Estate. Renovation of the Casting Yard.

Best Project of Comfort Class Residential Estate

About the project
The land plot of 9.5 hectares is located in the Adler District of Sochi. Previously, there was the casting yard. The project provides for transformation of this abandoned site into a fully-fledged residential development with all the necessary amenities and social facilities: a kindergarten, a park, a beautified embankment of the Herota River that borders on the site.
The development concept is based on creation of residential blocks with secluded yards, closed off to vehicles. Noise children’s playgrounds and workout zones will be located out of the yards. Cafes and shops are designed out of the residential premises and can be accessed from bustling streets. Apartments of the ground floors will have private gardens in the yard. Moreover, the project provides for an underground parking zone.

Sochi, Adler District, Gastello Street.

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Archiproject Artchitectural Studio.