Born and resides in St. Petersburg. Graduate of the St. Petersburg Stieglitz State Academy of Art and Design, specializing in «Designer-Researcher» (2001).
Professional Achievements in the last 5 years:
2019: Moscow. Prizewinner of the competition «City: Details» in the «Street Furniture» category. Project: tOchka
2020: ADDAWARDS Winner. Project: Accents in Details
2021: ADDAWARDS Winner. Project: Geometry in Details
2022: ADDAWARDS Winner. Project: The Only Thing Better Than Mountains Are Mountains
2023: ALAROS Award Winner. Project: Dialogue with the Creator
2024: Golden Trezzini Awards Winner. Project: Architect's House
Publications in the Media: Sobaka, Salon, Interior + Design, Zhilaya Sreda, and others.
Creative Credo: «A space already knows what it wants to become. It just needs to be heard.»
About the Company: The architectural bureau b612 provides comprehensive design services for architecture, interior, and landscape as a unified, cohesive space. Since 2019, we have successfully implemented our concept of «Designing Country Life», offering an innovative approach to creating suburban living environments.
Our team of professionals in interior, architectural, and landscape design collaborates on every project, exchanging ideas and solutions. This collective creative process gives rise to projects where every element harmoniously complements the others. Interiors seamlessly extend into the garden, and architecture integrates with the surrounding natural landscape.