Martine Gosselink has been the General Director of the Mauritshuis since 01 April 2020.
Martine has been active in the cultural sector, particularly the museum sector, since completing her studies. In 1995, she graduated in art history at the University of Amsterdam with Professor Ernst van de Wetering. In that same year, she also completed her five-year internship at the Rijksmuseum and, with a partner, started her first venture: the art historical consulting and research bureau Art & Culture. The database the bureau set up at that time – the first historical database in the Netherlands – still exists: atlasofmutualheritage.nl. Six years later, in 2011 and with two partners, she founded the cultural collective De Nieuwe Collectie, with products such as exhibitions and publications for museums in the Netherlands, New York, Iran and Sri Lanka. From 2009 until 2020, Martine was Head of the History Department at the Rijksmuseum with responsibility for the museum’s historical programming. In this capacity she was committed to the growth of the History Department, provenance research into the museum’s colonial collections, the publication of the eight-volume Country Series and projects such as Document Nederland, the Night of History, the television series Historisch Bewijs, changing terminology and interpreting the collection by means of multiple perspectives.