Natalia Fishman-Bekmambetova was born on October 30th, 1990. Since March 2015, she works as an аdvisor to the President of the Republic of Tatarstan.
She graduated from MGIMO University (Moscow State Institute of International Relations) under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation and from Humboldt University, one of the leading universities in Berlin. In 2010, she coordinated the educational programs of the Strelka Institute for Media, Architecture and Design, where she participated in the elaboration of a concept for the development of the Maxim Gorky Central Park of Culture and Leisure.
In 2011, she was engaged in the process of library management transformations. Her work also applies to museum reforms and the formation of approaches to organizing public events. In that same year, she was appointed as an advisor to the head of the Moscow Department of Culture, Minister of the Government of Moscow Sergey Kapkov.
In 2012, she was selected as the Deputy Director of the Moscow Institute For Social and Cultural Programs and became the first Director of Development of the Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center.
Currently, Natalia Fishman-Bekmambetova is the Curator of the Institute of Urban Development of the Republic of Tatarstan. The institution solves the issues of redevelopment of public spaces, design and supervision of objects. Since 2015, the Institute has been implementing the Program for the development of public spaces, within which more than 350 parks, embankments, pedestrian streets, parks and squares in all municipal districts of the Republic of Tatarstan have been improved. In September 2019, the Program became the first Russian project to win The Aga Khan Award for Architecture.
In October 2019, Natalia Fishman-Bekmambetova also became the head of the Eurasian branch of World Urban Parks.