We are pleased to present a series of interviews with nominees for the 7th Golden Trezzini Awards, as announced by the Awards' Organizing Committee. Let's begin with our first nominee, Vahid Sadraeifar!

Golden Trezzini Awards:  Congratulations on your nomination for the 2024 Golden Trezzini Awards! Please introduce yourself and share your creative journey. How did you get into your profession?

Vahid Sadraeifar: I am the founder of Orib Studio in Iran, deeply passionate about architecture and design. My journey began with wonderment for transforming spaces and creating environments that inspire and elevate human experiences. From studying iconic buildings of the past to experimenting with innovative designs, my commitment to excellence has driven me forward. The project I'm submitting for the Golden Trezzini Awards reflects this evolution.

Golden Trezzini Awards: Which architects or designers, past or present, inspire you?

Vahid Sadraeifar: I draw inspiration from a diverse array of architects and designers who have significantly influenced the field. Figures such as Renzo Piano and Norman Foster have left a profound impact on my approach.

Golden Trezzini Awards: Have you participated in the Golden Trezzini Awards in previous years?

Vahid Sadraeifar: This is my first time participating in the awards.

Golden Trezzini Awards: Tell us about the project you are submitting for the Golden Trezzini Awards. How is it unique, and why does it deserve recognition from the jury?

Vahid Sadraeifar: The project I'm submitting is titled “Seize the day”. It aims to evoke the value of each moment through architectural tools. Imagine a pedestrian path where one can pause and enjoy diverse spatial experiences — a moment frozen in time. What makes this project unique are its innovative features and the values it embodies, deserving the jury's attention.


Golden Trezzini Awards: What does it mean to you to be nominated for the Golden Trezzini Awards? How do you assess the importance of our award, which is based on the theme “Architecture as Art”, for the development of architecture and design?

Vahid Sadraeifar: Being nominated is a great honor and confirms our commitment to architecture as art. The award's emphasis on “Architecture as Art” is crucial — it encourages creativity, innovation, and exploration of architectural expression.

Golden Trezzini Awards: What are your plans for the future? Are there any new projects that you have already started working on?

Vahid Sadraeifar: I eagerly anticipate the future and am excited about upcoming projects. I'm particularly focused on exploring boundaries in architecture.

Golden Trezzini Awards: Lastly, what advice would you give to aspiring architects and designers who want to succeed in the profession?

Vahid Sadraeifar: Always remain curious and never cease learning. Embrace challenges as opportunities for growth, build a strong network of mentors and collaborators, and let your passion guide you throughout your career.

Golden Trezzini Awards: Thank you so much, and good luck at the Awards ceremony in November!


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