Two of YIT top managers joined the Jury of the Awards.

Starting with June 2020, the Third International Golden Trezzini Awards for Architecture and Design gained support of YIT Group. The Jury of Golden Trezzini was joined by Juha Kostiainen, EVP, Urban Development, YIT, and Teemu Helppolainen, EVP, Housing Russia segment, YIT; CEO, YIT St. Petersburg JSC. A special nomination by YIT was added to the list – Best Organisation Of Architectural Environment for Sustainable Urban Development.

“Experts of the Golden Trezzini Awards have an important mission of highlighting and encouraging the works by architects, designers, and renovators, submitting the most potent projects as regards to artistic merit, vividness and sustainable development,” YIT points out. “We appreciate that the Jury includes heads of top Finnish museums, as well as outstanding Finnish architects. Moreover, we are sure that on the third year of the Awards’ existence the time has come to raise some new points. Projects can be aesthetically attractive, but are they energy efficient, safe, and eco-friendly? Do they match the city’s image? Do they answer the citizens’ needs? To state it differently, do they follow principles of sustainable development in the field of urban and territorial planning, as stated in Russia’s Town Planning Code (2004) and UN’s Sustainable Development Report (2019)? We’re going to thoroughly study entries at the Golden Trezzini 2020 and award the author of the best organisation of architectural environment for sustainable urban development.”

”An important note: you don’t have to submit entries for the new nomination. The special prize from YIT can be awarded to any of the participants, who submitted their projects of architectural design for residential and public buildings, as well as urban environment design,” added Pavel Chernyakov, Chairman of the Awards Arrangements Committee. ”When deciding the winner, we will consider project choices on energy efficiency and materials (like use of renewable energy sources and recylced products), compatibility with the city’s image, design and infrastructural solutions for street spaces and yards (functional zoning, suggested activities, services offered at the ground floors). The final decision on the winner will be made by the Expert Board of YIT.”

For reference

YIT is the largest Finnish and a significant North European construction company and urban developer, building apartments and living services, business premises and entire areas. It is also specialised in demanding infrastructure construction. Together with its customers, nearly 8,000 professionals of YIT are creating more functional, attractive and sustainable cities and environments. YIT works in 10 countries: Finland, Russia, Sweden, Norway, the Baltic countries, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland. The revenue in 2019 was approximately EUR 3.4 billion. YIT Corporation's share is listed on Nasdaq Helsinki Oy.

The Golden Trezzini Awards for Architecture and Design are named after Domenico Trezzini (1670—1734), an outstanding Swiss fortifications engineer and first architect of St. Petersburg, the author of the St. Peter and Paul Cathedral, the Twelve Colleges
building and other masterpieces of the Petrine Baroque. The Awards were established in 2018 with the support of the Embassy of Russia in Switzerland, the Embassy of Switzerland in Russia, the Consulate General of Switzerland in St. Petersburg and a number of other organisations and institutions.

The main objective of the awards, whose motto is ‘architecture is art,’ is to acknowledge and promote architectural and designer projects that amount to a work of art. Their wider mission is to establish a new expert community that will bring together architectural, design, renovation and museum professionals along with diplomatic, business, media, state, and academic representatives, and people of art.

Entries for 20 nominations of the Third Golden Trezzini are accepted at till 15 October 2020 free of charge. Nominees (and projects) are welcome from anywhere in the world from developers and planners, architects and renovators, designers and interior decorators, as well as students of architecture schools and departments.

The winners will be awarded with Golden Trezzini figurines and diplomas at the ceremony that will take place at Belmond Grand Hotel Europe, St Petersburg, on 1 December 2020. The best projects will be added to the collection of the Architectural Graphics Foundation at the Museum of St. Petersburg History and will be presented at the annual exhibition at the Peter and Paul Fortress.

The General Partner of the Golden Trezzini Awards is the State Museum of St. Petersburg History. Global partner is LAUFEN. Strategic partner of the Awarding ceremony is Etalon Group. Official partners of the Awarding ceremony are Setl Group and LenRusStroy Building Corporation. System Partner is RBI Group. Partner of a Special nomination is YIT. Partner of a nomination is Lenstroytrest Group. To see a full list of the Awards partners please check

Photo: Teemu Helppolainen. Credits: YIT

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