Contemporary Art District

Best Architectural Design for Museum

About the project
The Contemporary Art District is meant to be a paradigm of deconstructivist architecture. No single element is planned to have a hierarchy over the rest, but become a part of the puzzle that stands out while diluting in its own context.
The building becomes a three-dimensional manifestation of the functional layout a museum, overall, art itself. An urban conglomerate of sorts where elements, shapes and materials can be both unifying and distinctive, like the layers of a city.
Given the open and fragmented layout of the lower floors, and the more dense, tightly knit layout of the upper stories, at the District, the buildings are not the only focus of the project. The open spaces, courtyards, nooks and the pathways leading to them are a major component of the overall intent.
Two main hallways and covered patios lead the visitors through the District, opening and closing views and telling their own stories in the search of a symbolic relation between the building, and the immediate city.

Havana, Cuba

Project design year

Extra visual materials (photos, videos etc.)

Applicant and authors of the project
DCERO was founded in 2017 as a creative design studio in Havana, for the development of Architectural, Interior Design and Landscaping projects. The staff includes three architects, Linnet Valdés, Ivan Gracia and Frank Barrios.
APROPIA, created in Havana in 2013 collaborates with an array of architectural consultants, with the general management of Elisabetta Alè. Both studios came together to work on the design of a Contemporary Art Museum to be displayed at the National Museum of Fine Arts.
Project by architects Elisabetta Alè (APROPIA) & Frank Barrios Hernández, Ivan Gracia Hernández, Linnet Valdés Rivero (DCERO).

Other participants
Curators of the National Museum of Fine Arts of Cuba: Jorge Fernández / Delia María López Campistrous.
Sponsors: Fundación Ludwig de Cuba / Génesis Galerías de Arte.

Status of the project
Conceptual design


Thank you for your participation and support of the nominees!

Premio del Pubblico (People’s Choice) finalists, absolute winner and winners in the categories can be found here.