1. What is (who is) Golden Trezzini?
The Awards are named after Domenico Trezzini (1670—1734), the first architect of St. Petersburg, born in Switzerland. The Awards are held under the patronage of the Municipality of the Swiss City of Lugano, Trezzini's hometown.

2. Why Golden?
Winners are awarded with designer Domenico Trezzini gilded figurines.

3. Who can take part in the Golden Trezzini Awards?
Nominees from across the globe are invited to participate the Awards – developers and planners, architects and renovators, designers and interior decorators, theatre artists, as well as students of architecture schools and departments.
The project submitted for the Awards can be located in any country around the world as well.
The only restriction is the participant’s age – we accept entries from people above 16.

4. How much is the participation cost?
Zero much! Participation is free of charge.

5. When is the entry submission deadline?
Entries for 2025 International Golden Trezzini Awards for Architecture and Design are accepted from February 17 through September 17, 2025.

6. What categories does the Awards include?
For the categories list and their brief description please check here.

7. How do I submit an entry?
To submit an entry please fill in the form.

8. Can I submit several projects to the Awards?
Yes, one submitter is entitled to submit an unlimited number of entries to the Awards as long as he/she submits only one entry under each category.

9. Can I submit one project under several categories?
Yes, one project can be submitted under different categories (for instance, like an implemented project of residential estate and like an implemented facade using ceramics), but one and the same image must not be submitted under different categories.

10. Can I submit several projects under one category?
No, one submitter is only entitled to submit one project under each category.

11. Can I submit the project that has already participated in the Golden Trezzini Awards before?
This is allowed only if your work previously participated in a category for unrealized projects, and now has been completed and can be submitted as an implemented project. In all other cases, re-submission of the project is not permitted.

12. Can I submit a project which has participated in some other competition or won any other award before?
Yes, such projects can be submitted. 

13. How old can be the projects submitted to the Awards?
In 2025, the projects eligible for participation are the ones designed (if not implemented) and implemented over the period of January 1, 2023, to the date of the Awards entry submission.

14. You have three categories for students. Can students submit their projects under other categories?
Students are only allowed to participate in the categories “Best Project of Building or Facility by Student”, “Best Project of Public Space by Student”, and “Best​ Restoration ​or ​Reconstruction ​Project​ by Student”.

15. Does the character limit for entry text fields include spaces?
Yes, the maximum characters are given with spaces included.

16. How should I fill in the entry form if the project has several authors?
Please, report one of the authors in the field “Applicant” and the rest of them in the field “Author (s) of the project.”

17. Can I change the entry sent?
We’re afraid that no changes can be made in an entry submitted. In case you notice any omissions or technical inaccuracies in your entry, please, inform the Organizing Committee of the Awards about it at [email protected].

18. What requirements apply to images attached to an entry?
We accept JPG, GIF, PNG, TIF, and BMP files. Every image can be 2 MB at max.
Collages, plans, schemes, maps, as well as images with any extraneous graphic objects in the image (watermarks, copyright badges, copyright dies, frames, inscriptions and signatures, logos, web addresses, dates, corporate identity elements) are not accepted.
Under categories featuring implemented projects only photographs are accepted (no drawings or 3D images are allowed). Under the said categories, no computer visualizations are accepted made by means of rendering, and neither are photographs edited with addition of extra-objects to original photographs.
Digital treatment (procession) of a photograph must not change its content. We accept digital adjustment, including color shades and contrast, exposition, framing, perspective correction, sharpening, noise reduction, minor cleanup, HDR editing, etc., as long as basically the photos remain genuine.
To make sure that a photo isn’t a product of computer procession, the Organizing Committee of the Awards reserves the right to require its original by e-mail from the submitter. The original picture must contain complete EXIF data (camera name, lens used, exposition parameters, etc.). In case the submitter refuses to provide the original picture, his/her project won’t be admitted to the Awards.
AI-generated images, created by inputting natural language descriptions into such tools as DALL-E, Midjourney, Latent Diffusion and others, cannot be submitted. In case of doubts about the origin of the images, the source materials for the project (plans, drawings, etc.) can be requested by the Organizing Committee.

19. What should I do to present my project in my entry properly?
Please, make your entry as complete and accurate as possible, and provide only the relevant data in every field. First of all, make sure you submit the actual data about the project without self-promotion and exaggerations. Images will be the key part of your entry, so double check that you submit the best ones you have available. If your project has been implemented, professional photographs will be an advantage.
Besides, you might find it useful to check the winners of the previous years: 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019 and 2018.

20. Can I add references to project images and videos to my entry?
Yes, and we’d definitely recommend to do so. In the entry form, there is a special field for your reference links to photo galleries and/or videos of the project at outside sources.

21. How do I know that my entry has been sent successfully?
Soon after you’ve sent your entry, you’ll receive an automatically generated confirmation letter. The Organizing Committee of the Awards will contact you additionally in case they have any questions on your entry.

22. How do I know that my entry has been accepted for the Awards?
All the approved entries are published at our website within 14 days.

23. Can my entry be rejected?
Yes, the Organizing Committee reserves the right to deny a submitter participation in the Awards at their sole discretion. In case of denial, the submitter will be notified by e-mail.

24. My project is already listed among the nominees, but why hasn't its Russian description appeared on the Russian version of the «Nominees» page yet?
The translation of project descriptions into Russian is done on a first-come, first-served basis. We try to complete translations as quickly as possible, but please understand that this may take some time.

25. What prizes can winners of the Golden Trezzini get?
Please refer to the special section of the Golden Trezzini website to learn about the prizes. The Awarding Ceremony will take place on November 21, 2025 in St. Petersburg. Projects submitted by the winners will be added to the collection of the Awards partner – the State Museum of St. Petersburg History, and showcased at an annual exhibition.

26. Does the winner have to pay for a figurine, participation in the Awarding Ceremony, the exhibition, and for his/her project addition to the museum collection?
No, participation in the Golden Trezzini Awards is absolutely free of charge, and neither nominees nor winners shall incur any hidden costs.

27. How do I know if I win?
The Organizing Committee will contact every winner by e-mail to inform of their victory and invite them to the Awarding ceremony.

28. How do I get my prize if I have won the Awards but can’t attend the Awarding Ceremony?
Please contact the Organizing Committee: [email protected].

29. Are travel and accommodation costs covered for participants coming from other cities and countries?
We are sorry to announce that at the moment the Awards budget doesn’t afford covering of winners’ expenses. Winners are suggested to come to the Ceremony at their own expense.
We really hope that this will change and we can change the answer to this question!

30. How do I get an invitation for my colleagues, family members, friends, if I win the Awards but receive one person’s invitation?
As the number of seats at the ceremony is limited, we can only provide one invitation for every winner. To get extra seats you can buy tickets from the Organizing Committee: [email protected].

31. I haven’t won the Awards, but would like to visit the Awarding Ceremony. How do I do it?
Please contact the Organizing Committee to buy tickets to the Ceremony: [email protected].

32. How do the Jury members vote?
The voting takes place online, and every member of the Jury is provided with a login and a password to access the special private section of the web-site and evaluate every project.

33. What are the criteria for the project evaluation?
When voting for every category, our experts have to evaluate every project on a scale from 1 to 10, using as a guide their personal preferences and a combination of the following criteria:

  • Can the project be called a piece of art?
  • How professional is the nominee?
  • Is it expedient to include the project into the museum collection?

Evaluation is based on a scale where 1 stands for “This project definitely can’t be called a piece of art, demonstrates low professionalism, and doesn’t deserve to be included into the museum collection”, and where 10 stands for “This project definitely can be called a piece of art, demonstrates high professionalism, and deserves to be included into the museum collection”.

34. I see a Jury member’s project among the nominees. Isn't that a conflict of interest?
Projects created by Jury members or companies/individuals affiliated with them are allowed to take part in the competition. Nevertheless, if such project becomes a finalist, the affiliated Jury member cannot vote in the category this project participates in.

35. What is the Qualification Committee?
The Golden Trezzini Awards will be arranged in two stages. The Qualification Committee, including only professional architects, renovators, and teachers from architectural higher schools will evaluate al the entries approved for participation and shortlist three finalists for every category. Experts of Jury will evaluate the projects submitted by the finalists and decide the winners.

36. How do I know if my project is passed by the Qualification Committee and shortlisted among the finalists for the Jury members to vote?
The short-list of finalists will be posted at our website in October 2025. Besides, all the finalists will be informed by e-mail.

37. Will there be special recognition for any projects other than the finalists and winners?
Yes, for projects that did not make it to the final, an extensive prize system has been developed. This includes Gold Certificates of Achievement, Honourable and Special mentions. More information can be found here. The list of the laureates and certificate holders will be published after the Awarding Ceremony.

38. If my project did not make it to the final or receive a special certificates, can I obtain an Awards participation certificate?
Yes, such certificates in PDF (high resolution, suitable for printing) will be emailed to the participants by request after the Awarding ceremony. 

39. Who sponsors the Awards?
The Awards is arranged only thanks to funds provided by our commercial partners. 

40. How do I become a sponsor or a partner for the Golden Trezzini Awards?
We welcome new partnership proposals and are totally open for any feedback. If you want to join the Awards as a partner, please contact the Organizing Committee: [email protected].

41. I still have some questions, how can I ask them?
Please feel free to contact us by e-mail: [email protected] or via our social media pages:

Facebook: https://facebook.com/trezziniawards
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/trezziniawards 
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@goldentrezziniawards