Winner 2019:
Robot Science Museum (Seoul, South Korea), Melike Altinisik Architects (MAA)
We accept projects and implemented projects of museum architectural design, including the ones made to reconstruct existing buildings.
This category has been announced in 2020 for the first time.
We accept architectural and designer projects of temporary and permanent expositions implemented at museums and artistic galleries.
Winner 2019:
Restoration and Conservation of Chesme Gallery in Gatchina Palace (Leningrad Region), Gatchina State Museum Reserve and KGIOP
We accept implemented projects of buildings, facilities and interiors restoration and reconstruction.
Winner 2019:
Futurist (St. Petersburg), RBI
We accept projects of premium and business class residential estates.
Winner 2019:
Stockholm (St. Petersburg), Setl Group
We accept implemented projects of premium and business class residential estates.
Winner 2019:
Russian Europe Eco Development (Kaliningrad), ASADOV Architectural Studio
We accept projects of comfort class residential estates.
Winner 2019:
Plant rearrangement into AMILKO’s residential development (Rostov Region), New R.A.S.A. Architectural Studio
We accept implemented projects of comfort class residential estates.
Winner 2019:
Hotel at Ligovsky Prospect (St. Petersburg), SLOI Architects
We accept projects of public and commercial buildings and facilities (hotels, administrative blocks, educational, cultural and sports enterprises, shopping and business centers, along with transportation facilities, etc.).
Winner 2019:
Grani Multifunctional Complex (St. Petersburg), Institute of Territorial Development
We accept implemented projects of public and commercial buildings and facilities (hotels, administrative blocks, educational, cultural and sports enterprises, shopping and business centers, along with transportation facilities, etc.).
Winner 2019:
TEXTIL Social and Cultural Venue (Yaroslavl), Kremnev atelier
We accept projects of public spaces (parks, squares, embankments, promenades, etc.).
Winner 2019:
Iset River Embankment Beautification (Yekaterinburg), Archinform Architectural Bureau
We accept implemented projects of public spaces (parks, squares, embankments, promenades, etc.).
Winner 2019:
Studio House for Young Couple in Nikolina Gora Village (Moscow Region), RCode Architect Group
We accept architectural projects of private residences.
Winner 2019:
Bridge House of Gliding Light (Finland), Ingmar Architects
We accept implemented architectural projects of private residences.
Winner 2019:
Next Generation Park in Yakutsk (Republic of Sakha), ASADOV Architectural Studio
We accept beautified and landscaped grounds of residential developments and private houses.
Winner 2019:
In the Midst of Fir Woods (Leningrad Region), Xenia Khramtsova
We accept implemented beautified and landscaped grounds of residential developments and private houses.
Winner 2019:
Mansion Interiors in Anosino Mansion Village (Moscow Region), Pyotr Zavadovsky
We accept implemented projects of residential interior design (apartments, suites, private houses).
The partner of the nomination is Lenstroytrest Group
Winner 2019:
Redevelopment of New Admiralty Island: Campus of Shipbuilding University and Museum of Shipbuilding of Baltic Fleet (St. Petersburg), Yulia Drozd
We accept architectural projects of variously purposed buildings and facilities made by students during their education (although, their education can be completed at the moment of entry submission).
Winner 2019:
Restoration of the Naryshkins Mansion and Park Complex in the Pady Village (Saratov Region), Maria Trishkova
We accept architectural projects of public spaces made by students during their education (although, their education can be completed at the moment of entry submission).
This category has been announced in 2020 for the first time.
Special category by the Museum of architectural art ceramics — Keramarkh. We accept implemented projects of facades and interiors featuring ceramic objects (finishing materials, decoration elements, etc.).
Winner 2019:
Penthouse in Grand Development (St. Petersburg), Yudin & Novikov
Special category by a sculptor Pavel Ignatyev. We accept implemented projects of residential and public interiors using works of art (pictorial art, sculptures, ornamental art).
The prize has been announced in 2020 for the first time.
Special Prize from YIT Group. Separate application is not required. The laureate will be selected among the participants in the basic nominations by YIT expert council. See more >>
In 2020, the prize will be awarded within the Golden Trezzini Awards for the first time.
Partner Prize of the Golden Trezzini Awards and the Lazar Khidekel Society (USA). Separate application is not required. The laureate will be selected among the participants in the basic nominations by a special jury council. See more >>
The prize has been announced in 2020 for the first time.
Separate application is not required. The winner will be selected among the participants in the basic nominations according to the site users voting. See more >>